Is it necessary to have a questionnaire?

At the moment, yes. We've found that people are more likely to write something thoughtful and meaningful if there’s a bit of a prompt — a blank space is intimidating for most of us. However, some folks choose to only answer some or one of the questions and in that case we delete the unanswered questions when we make the final book. We’ve even had some people not answer any of the questions and just write whatever they want in one of the question fields — again we edit this to make sense when we create the final book.

There will be some basic instructions in the contribution form, and you can edit the message at the start of the questionnaire to mention that they can skip or just say what they want. To skip a question people just add anything in the field like a “-”, or “skip” or whatever, and we’ll edit that out in the final book.

There’s a suggested limit of 1800 characters based on the layout and size of the pages, but people can write as much or as little as they wish.

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