What does a printed contribution look like in the book?

Depending on how many contributions you collect, we’ll use one of two layouts. Books that have less than 50 contributions will use a layout with more whitespace, while those with 50 or more contributions will use a more condensed layout. This allows us to charge the same price no matter how many contributions you collect. In both layouts each contribution occupies a spread or more, if needed. We use a combination of Suisse Works and Fragen fonts.

In the contribution form we suggest a maximum of 1800 characters, for consistency, but the form will accept more or less.

Here are examples of each layout:

A Fondfolio book with a walnut wood cover lays open against a rose pink background. The contributor’s name is printed in the middle of the left page set in bold serif type and their words appear on the right.For books with less than 50 contributions, we use a layout with more whitespace A Fondfolio book with a maple wood cover lays open against a rose pink background. The contributor’s name is printed in uppercase serif type at the top of the left page and their words start right below it and continue onto the right page.For books with 50 or more contributions, we use a more condensed layout

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Proudly made in Toronto & Berlin